Employee Monitoring and Data Loss Prevention


Organizations looking to protect their intellectual property and sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands, and looking to optimize processes and maximize employee productivity, are looking to implement employee monitoring (aka user activity monitoring) software that allows for user session recording and analysis. Employee monitoring can ensure business continuity by identifying process gaps such as unproductive employee activity, inefficient applications, wasted labor hours, project cost and more. If used properly, employee monitoring can even increasing employee engagement resulting in increased business profitability. Here are some benefits to using employee monitoring software:

Our user-centric’, endpoint Data Loss Prevention solution goes beyond traditional DLP approaches by adding intelligent behavioral analysis to identify human factors like malicious intent, errors or accidents allowing you to implement effective protection against data breaches and other exfiltration attempts.  DLP provides the best return of investment for organizations of any size. It’s designed to assist SMBs, enterprises and the public sector address data loss, cybersecurity and insider threats. Additionally, compliance management features help you conform with compliance regulations including GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001.

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Employee Monitoring F.A.Q.

Employee monitoring is the process of tracking all activity conducted by employees while logged in to a computer which has employee monitoring software installed on it. This is done to measure productivity, prevent insider threats and unauthorized data exfiltration, and keep track of how employees spend their time while logged in at work.

In most jurisdictions employee monitoring is legal with no restrictions. However, there may be restrictions on what employee activities you monitor or record. Please consult your legal counsel to ensure you are implementing employee monitoring within the legal and regulatory guidelines applicable to your organization and jurisdiction. Teramind is fully customizable with respect to its monitoring and recording features to abide by any legal, ethical or regulatory restrictions.

Insider threats come from people with intimate knowledge of an organization’s internal affairs, including current and former employees, contractors, vendors or associates. Insider threats carry devious intentions, whether leaking important information to the public or competitors, or threatening security through exposing sensitive data. The best way to expose and prevent insider threats is by identifying malicious intent before action is taken. Employee Monitoring software keeps you up to date and aware of all user activity, allowing you to detect disgruntled employees first, rather than letting them become a serious issue. The software also allows you to restrict certain actions that could be tied to insider threats, as well as review recordings of all activity in order to conduct in-depth investigations into potential security risks.

Through the software’s comprehensive dashboards and employee analytics, employers are given invaluable insight into productivity and daily workloads. Custom guidelines can be set to determine what employees spend most of their time doing, including what applications are being used, how many emails are being send, what types of websites are being visited, and much more.