Moving to the Cloud


First thing you have to ask yourself is “Why do I need/want to move to the cloud?” , if the answer is “Because my neighbor did it and they seem to be doing alright.” Stop right now and call us, the cloud is a wonderous place and can solve a multitude of problems, but its not for everything. Also if its not setup properly this can become an expensive proposition, we have seen many a company jump on the band wagon only to find they could have accomplished the same results on site for much less. That being said, we have many success stories as well.

Come speak to us and we can help you decide which is the best way to the cloud for your needs. Below are but a few options available which we can help you with.


Microsoft Azure is a wide group of resources that can handle anything from simple Active Directory support , Office 365 and application integration to full blown move of your infrastructure to the cloud with Azure Virtual Desktop.  They also provide a Hybrid solution where some parts reside in-house and more attached in the cloud.

Microsoft allows people a Free account for testing and a $200 credit. If you would like more information on costs Click Here  to go to MS Azure Pricing Calculator

Amazon web services

Not as full featured as Microsoft but still useful for hosting servers, applications and web services. The advantage here is amazon has many pre-built scenarios available for you to choose from as well as a free AWS account to use for testing purposes.